
Noise Diagnostics of Machines and Mechanisms

Online Support Service: No
Interpretation of Data: Yes
The task of predicting the failure or failure of a machine or mechanism (in the general case, a “system”) during operation was and remains relevant. One of the promising directions for solving this problem is the methods of noise diagnostics of systems. NTK ANCHAR is one of the leading companies using both standard and original, proprietary methods and technologies for noise diagnostics of systems.


Determining the real position of the studied sample of the mechanism on its life cycle curve:

- residual life without failures under current operating conditions;

- forecast of failure and time of its occurrence under current operating conditions;

- recommendations for changing operating parameters in order to increase operating time without failure.

Required Source Data

An array (or a set of arrays) of signal records (time series) of the controlled parameters (characteristics) of the studied mechanism (machine) during operation.

It is highly desirable to provide data sets from the mechanisms of one model located at different stages of its life cycle.

Solution methods

The work on creating a diagnostic and monitoring system for a specific model of the mechanism is a project. The goals are achieved using flicker-noise spectroscopy technologies, modeling the phase space of the controlled parameters of the mechanism, and analyzing the stability properties of the motion trajectories in it. Work is divided into the following stages:

  1. analysis of existing data (arrays) of control parameters of the mechanism or mechanisms of one model at different stages of the life cycle (which is preferable);
  2. if necessary, develop a program of additional measurements and conduct these measurements;
  3. analysis of the results, selection or modification of existing diagnostic techniques, the creation of algorithms and software, the creation of systems for collecting, analyzing information, the creation of decision-making systems.


Methods, algorithms, mathematical models, software, devices.


地点: Russia Moscow
主要产品/服务: Exploration work on low-frequency (infrasound) intelligence technology