URAL-Master 500 (03) KTL Function
The URAL-Master 500 (02) rectifier with the KTL function is designed to supply with direct current one post of mechanized welding with solid wire and flux-cored wire in a protective gas environment (including the KTL method), as well as self-shielding flux-cored wire, manual arc welding with an electrode with any type of coating, manual argon-arc welding with a non-consumable electrode with contact arc ignition. The rectifier provides: indication of welding parameters on a digital display; clear stabilization of the set welding parameters; automatic protection against overheating; monitoring and indication of errors in emergency situations, in which the rectifier is automatically blocked; automatic saving of welding parameters when the inverter power supply is disconnected; connection and control of the BO-02 torch liquid cooling unit. For manual arc welding: selection of the slope of the external characteristic for welding with electrodes with a basic or cellulose coating; smooth adjustment of the welding current both from the source and from the remote control; Limiting the open circuit voltage (12V); Forcing the short circuit current; Protection against electrode sticking; Adjustable hot start. In mechanized welding: The KTL method (root pass of the weld and thin sheet metal), designed for welding the root pass of non-rotatable butt joints of pipelines with controlled transfer of electrode metal into the weld pool Smooth (including preliminary) adjustment of arc voltage; Controlled transfer of electrode metal during short circuit welding in a shielding gas environment, adjustment of the short circuit current rise rate (adjustment of the electronic inductance); Easy ignition and high-quality formation of the weld; High welding speed with minimal spatter. In manual argon-arc welding: Formation of a steeply falling I-V characteristic in the range of working currents Smooth adjustment of the welding current both from the source and from the remote control; Limiting the open circuit voltage (12V); Arc ignition with touching and subsequent lifting of the electrode; Smooth current increase when striking the arc; Pulsed arc welding with adjustable pulse repetition period and duty cycle; Protection against electrode sticking. The presence of ventilation ducts provides protection against dust settling. To reduce energy consumption and reduce the amount of dust ingress, the cooling fan operates only during welding. Stable operation with fluctuations in supply voltage from -20 to +15%. The rectifier is recommended for welding non-rotating joints of oil and gas pipelines and other critical structures. Adapted to work from power plants, vibration-resistant, can be installed in any mobile units. Operating temperature from -40 to +400C.
Nominal welding current, A - 500
Load duration at rated current, - % 60
Power supply voltage (50 Hz), V - 3 x 380
Power consumed at rated current, kVA - 22
Nominal working voltage, V - 40
Welding current regulation limits, A - 40 - 500
Open circuit voltage, V - 12
Overall dimensions, mm - 650 x 270 x 500
Weight, kg - 42

JSC "Uraltermosvar"
市场: РФ
地点: d. Pervouralsk, ul.Serova 4a
主要产品/服务: Welding equipment