Television system for Inspection of the Underbody of motor Vehicles "TSAD-Bazovaya"
The TSAD-Bazovaya television system for inspecting the underbody of motor vehicles is designed for round-the-clock use in security systems for remote television inspection of the underbody of motor vehicles entering the protected area in order to detect abnormal objects on them. The TSAD-Bazovaya system displays a high-resolution image of the underbody in real time, allowing the operator to inspect the underbody in detail without approaching the vehicle. The TSAD-Bazovaya system is used as an autonomous television system for inspecting motor vehicles and is supplied with the Typhoon-TSD software manufactured by EVS LLC. In the basic version of the supply, the Typhoon TSD software recognizes the state registration plate, displays and records images of the underbody and the appearance of motor vehicles in the database with reference to the recognized state registration plate. A unique feature of this system is the ability to observe the underbody of the vehicle from different angles (perspectives). By changing the angle, the operator has the opportunity to see areas covered by suspended elements (for example, behind the muffler, lever system, bumper for "TSAD"), and examine non-standard equipment from different angles. The underbody inspection system can be flexibly configured for the tasks and geometry of inspection points, adapted to various conditions and requirements: street/room, large/small data transmission distances, etc.
- detection of an approaching vehicle;
- recording the general appearance of the vehicle;
- vehicle number plate recognition;
- display of received information in real time on the operator’s automated workstation;
- observation of the bottom of the vehicle from different angles (perspectives) to inspect areas of the bottom of the vehicle that are hidden from other systems.
- video recording and creation of a high-resolution video archive linked to vehicle numbers recognized by the system;
- entering the received information into the database;
- quick search in the database by vehicle number, date and time;
- ensuring the safety of personnel during inspection procedures.
- system operation in difficult weather conditions in 24/7 mode.

市场: РФ
地点: 195253, Russia, Saint Petersburg, Saltykovskaya road, 18
主要产品/服务: Video surveillance systems