HIGH Pressure Cylinders FOR Technical GASES
Application: metallurgical, chemical, construction, food industry, agriculture, mining left corner of doro rows, metrology, household purposes and laboratory studies.
Certificate of Conformity No C-RU.MT23.В.00212.
The main technical characteristics for pressure up to 9.8 MPa: - Working medium - acetylene; 2 - Working pressure - 9.8 MPa (100 kgf / cm); 2 - Test pressure - 14.7 MPa (150 kgf / cm); - Volume - 20 and 40 liters; 0 0 - Т operating temperature - from minus 50С to plus 60С; - Connecting thread - W30, 3 GOST 9909-81; - Filling with coal mass and installation of the valve is carried out by the consumer; - Compliance standard - TR TS 032/2013, GOST 949.
The main technical characteristics for a pressure of 14.7 MPa are: - Working medium — nitrogen, air, helium, oxygen , xenon, methane, carbon dioxide, freon, acetylene, propane- butane mixture; 2 - Working pressure - 14.7 MPa, 150 kgf / cm; 2 - Test pressure - 21.8 MPa, 225 kgf / cm; 0 0 - T operating temperature - from minus 50С to plus 60С; - The established service life is 20 years; - Compliance standard - TP TS 032/2013, GOST 949. - Connecting thread for acetylene W 30.3 GOST 9909-81 - Connecting thread for other gases - W 27.8 GOST 9909-81
The main technical characteristics for a pressure of 20 MPa: - Working medium — nitrogen, air, helium, oxygen , xenon, methane, carbon dioxide, freon, ethylene, propane- butane mixture; 2 - Working pressure - 20 MPa, 204 kgf / cm; 2 - Test pressure - 30 MPa, 306 kgf / cm; 0 0 - T operating temperature - from minus 50С to plus 65С; - A guarantee period of 2 years , but not more than 27 months. from the date of manufacture; - Compliance standard - TR TS 032/2013, T U 1410-007-29416612-2005 - Connecting thread - W 27.8 GOST 9909-81
The main technical characteristics for a pressure of 24.5 MPa are: - Working medium — nitrogen, air, helium, oxygen , xenon, methane, carbon dioxide, chladone, ethylene; 2 - Working pressure - 24.5 MPa, 250 kgf / cm; 2 - Test pressure - 34.5 MPa, 350 kgf / cm; - T operating temperature - from minus 45 ° C to plus 65 ° C; - The established service life is 20 years; - Connecting thread -W 27.8 GOST 99 09-81 - Compliance standard - ТР ТС 032/2013, ТУ 1410-702 -07501107-2011
Design description: An all-metal high-pressure vessel made of 34CrMo4 or 35XMA steel with one or two necks, a concave bottom or on a shoe with a tapered or metric connecting thread. Volume - 20, 25, 40, 50 and 97 liters. Diameter - 219, 229, 329 mm. The ratio of mass / volume - 0.98-1.2
The frequency of the survey is once every 5 years.