Coiled tubing Services
BVT-Vostok JSC provides the following services with coiled tubing:
- Thawing of hydrate plugs;
- Cleaning the wellbore and the bottom of various deposits;
- Well development with nitrogen using coiled tubing;
- Conducting an oil refinery and stimulation of well inflows;
- Flushing wells after hydraulic fracturing;
- Application of work technologies in horizontal wells;
- Engineering support services;
- GIS using coiled tubing;
- Carrying out TAC on CT;
- Coiled tubing fishing;
- The descent of autonomous research instruments;
- Milling work.
JSC “BVT-Vostok” seeks to constantly increase coiled tubing capacities and expand the range of services provided with coiled tubing.
The company can carry out for its customers:
- Installation of cement bridges;
- Drilling and removing bridge plugs and bridges;
- Installation of packers, valves, etc.
Technical equipment of CT fleets of JSC “BVT-Vostok”:
- Coiled tubing installation;
- Additional coil (winding capacity 5700 m.);
- Coiled tubing 44.45 mm incl. with logging cable;
- Pump unit (with the function of heating the working fluid);
- Nitrogen unit;
- Tank farm (working capacity 50 m 3 , reverse capacity 40 m 3 with liquid degasser, nitrogen carriers with a capacity of 16 and 19 tons, nitrogen storage tanks for 65 tons);
- PPU, UMP-400, wheel loader;
- Tanker, oil tanker, shift bus, truck crane Grove 50 tons;
- Mobile office with satellite communications.
To date, the company’s arsenal has a sufficient number of tools, layouts and devices for work of any complexity and direction:
- Rotating and static flushing nozzles, hydraulic monitor tools for cleaning the face;
- Fishing tools (fishing arrangements, overshots, magnets, seals, diverters, etc.);
- Lead seals, percussion instruments, centralizers, cable traps, etc. to remove impassable traffic jams and obstacles;
- Downhole pressure and temperature sensors with the ability to pump liquid to measure downhole pressure in recording mode;
- Downhole motors of various sizes, head modules and the necessary set of milling tools for the successful completion of milling operations;
- CoilSolution CSI-80 injectors for complex operations and large diameter pipes;
- Installation for the production of liquid nitrogen with a capacity of 5 tons / day (installation was carried out by engineers of BVT-Vostok JSC) to carry out work on the development and other technological operations using nitrogen.
The entire design of the work, analysis of operations and calculations are carried out by highly qualified specialists of BVT JSC in the licensed programs Cerberus and ORION. These software products allow you to make accurate calculations on how to get the flexible pipe to the bottom of the well, calculate the design of the pipe, and take into account the applied KNK.
Delivery and movement of geophysical instruments in the horizontal part of the well with guaranteed signal transmission from the connecting head to the coiled tubing coil manifold and then to the geophysical monitoring station is carried out using a 44 mm coiled tubing with a seven-core cable and cable head.
In order to effectively solve the problem of the shortage of tools or instruments with a flexible pipe to the bottom or the required interval of the well in horizontal sections, the engineering group of the company, together with the coiled tubing manufacturer, is working to optimize the design of the flexible pipes.
The company uses flexible pipes manufactured by Tenaris and GlobalTubing with a variable wall thickness, which allows for:
- Coiled tubing income to the required depth without locking: the most heavy and rigid section is used on the set of curvature. The lightest section is in the horizontal section;
- Increase the resource of the flexible pipe.
Exclusive technologies and non-standard production solutions:
- Y-TOOL. When working in wells using Y-tool systems, the key tasks in coiled tubing are the tight fit of the logging plug, planting and removing the blank plug if necessary.
BVT Vostok JSC has repeatedly successfully conducted field geophysical surveys in horizontal wells with an installed Y-tool bypass system, while work was carried out using both 38.1 mm and 44.45 mm coiled tubing.
- Fishing scrapers for tubing cleaning.
- Joint complex installations with a cattle brigade, in which a coiled tubing injector was suspended on a cattle hoist.
New areas of activity of BVT-Vostok JSC:
In 2018, BVT-Vostok JSC organized the Well Completion and Hydraulic fracturing service, which provides equipment and technological support for multistage hydraulic fracturing using a special tool:
- Couplings controlled reusable opening / closing
- Closures with bursting ports with the ability to close.
- Couplings with single-use bursting ports.
- Tool for controlled-reusable couplings of multistage completion of hydraulic fracturing with coiled tubing and tubing:
- hydraulic fracturing through the pipe and / or annulus;
- indication on a surface in real time
- the possibility of hydraulic fracturing at the existing fund, through the existing perforation;
- the ability to conduct repeated hydraulic fracturing through coiled tubing and tubing;
- the ability to carry out sandblasting perforation.
For the convenience of Customers, an Import Procurement Service was organized, which was created by analogy and experience of Western companies specializing in the delivery of goods to Russia on a turn-key basis “door to door”. It supplies equipment and spare parts for all areas of the oil and gas sector. Organizes the purchase, forwarding, customs clearance, delivery. Personnel - employees who worked in foreign companies engaged in the supply of equipment and components in the Russian Federation for 16 years from the countries of North and South America, the EU, neighboring countries, China, and India. To carry out the purchase and export of equipment from North America to Russia, a subsidiary in Canada is registered, which allows us to speed up, simplify and optimize the procedure for purchasing goods in North America and shipping goods to the Russian Federation.
JSC “BVT-Vostok” seeks to constantly increase coiled tubing capacities and expand the range of services provided with coiled tubing; to the development and implementation of new ideas, which is why the Company localized the production of underground CT equipment in the Russian Federation.