Promtex Expertise LLC
LLC Promtekhekspertiza is an independent expert organization that carries out the whole range of work in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities supervised by Rostekhnadzor.
LLC Promtekhekspertiza has been working in the field of industrial safety since 2008. During this time, the company's specialists performed more than 30,000 industrial safety examinations, developed 50,000 documents for 2,000 enterprises in various industries.
More than fifty full-time experts are certified in accordance with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 509 of 05/28/2015 with the right to conduct examinations at facilities of I (highest) hazard class.
Our reliability is confirmed by the FSB license to work with information constituting a state secret.
LLC Promtekhekspertiza carries out scientific, technical, expert and design work. All employees of the company have appropriate training and qualifications.
The consultants of the company include highly professional specialists in the field of industrial safety, protecting the population and the territory from natural and man-made emergencies.
Among the experts and specialists of Promtexhexpertiza LLC there is one correspondent member of SAN VSh, 5 doctors of technical sciences, 7 candidates of technical sciences.
The high level of our specialists and vast experience allows us to carry out the tasks assigned to us of any complexity in the shortest possible time with minimal time and effort on your part.
Promtekhekspertiza LLC includes about 20 branches and regional representative offices located in the most developed industrial regions of the Russian Federation, which makes it possible to provide services practically throughout the country.
LLC Promtekhekspertiza carries out industrial safety expertise:
- project documentation for expansion, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of a hazardous production facility;
- technical devices used at a hazardous production facility;
- buildings and structures at a hazardous production facility;
- industrial safety declarations;
- other documents related to the operation of hazardous production facilities.
LLC Promtekhekspertiza has licenses of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor of the Russian Federation) for the right to conduct an industrial safety review of hazardous production facilities classified as the following types of supervision:
- coal industry facilities;
- objects of mining and non-metallic industry;
- explosive and fire hazardous, chemically hazardous objects and objects of special chemistry;
- metallurgical and coke and chemical industries and facilities;
- oil and gas production facilities and trunk pipeline transport;
- gas distribution and gas consumption facilities;
- hoisting facilities;
- boiler inspection facilities.
Examination includes:
- Analysis of the existing structural solution of buildings and structures and compliance with the design decision;
- Identification of defects and damage to supporting structures;
- Determination of actual loads acting on building structures, their analysis and comparison with the current regulatory framework;
- Performing verification calculations of building structures at actual strength characteristics of materials and current loads, taking into account seismic effects;
- Development of technical solutions, methods for eliminating detected defects or failures in the strength of building structures, development of recommendations for the restoration and strengthening of structures.