Geophysical Researches IN THE OPEN WELL OF WELLS
GIRS in the open wellbore. Tasks to be solved:
- Lithological and stratigraphic section of a well section;
- Isolation of collectors;
- Quantitative determination of reservoir properties of reservoirs;
- Determining the nature of saturation of reservoirs;
- Determination of the position of GNK, VNK;
- Monitoring wiring and determining the spatial position of the wellbore.
Technologies for the delivery of downhole equipment during the GIRS in an open wellbore (sidetracks):
- standard logging cable - vertical, directional;
- rigid geophysical cable (ZhGK) - directional, horizontal;
- technological complex "Lateral" - directional, horizontal;
- drill pipes - directional, horizontal.
Hardware for GIRS assemblies on cable for a minimum number of STRs:
- modular equipment of the COMPLEX series for work with assemblies consisting of:
- KarSar EK73 (KS, PS, BKZ, BK, res);
- KarSar 2BK73 (BK-3, BK-5);
- KarSar 5IK73 (5 probes IR, PS);
- KarSar 2AK73 (VAK, VAC);
- KarSar 2NK73 (2NKt, HA);
- KarSar 4PM73 (module caliper profiler);
- KarSar IN73 (inclinometer module);
- KarSar MK73 (MGZ, MPZ, MBK, KV);
- KarSar LPK73 (GGK-LP).
- hardware-methodical complex AMK "MAGIS-2" consisting of:
- MAGIS-BKZ + BK lateral logging module;
- MAGIS-5IK + INCL + PS module of induction logging and inclinometry;
- MAGIS-AK acoustic logging module;
- MAGIS-NGK + GK + LM radioactive logging module;
- MAGIS-PF profiler module;
- MAGIS-MK + BMK micromethod module;
- MAGIS-GGK-P density gamma-gamma-ray logging module.
Advanced GIS complex:
- borehole electric micro-scanner KarSar MS110;
- five-hole lateral logging tool KarSar 5BK73;
- cross-dipole multi-sonar sonic logging tool: AVAK-11, KarSar 8AD73;
- NMTK nuclear magnetic logging equipment;
- gamma spectrometry: MARKA-GS, GK-S.
Standalone hardware klemplexes for carrying out GIRS on pipes:
- AMC "Horizon-100" (GK, NGK, 3 probes KS, PS, inclinometer);
- AMC "Horizon-90-K6" (GK, 2NNK, OGK, 4 KS probes, 6 BK, PS probes, inclinometer, resistivimeter);
- AMK "Horizon-90-GGK-P-P" (GGK-P clamping);
- AMC "Horizon-90-VIKIZ";
- AMC "Horizon-90-VAK" (VAK-AKSh, VAC);
- AMK "Horizon-90-AP" (acoustic profiler);
- AMC "Horizon-90-SGK" (spectrometric gamma-ray logging);
- AMC "Horizon-73-VAK" (VAK-AKSh, VAC);
- AMC "Horizon-64-SGDT" (GHC, thickness gauge).

LLC "Udmurtneftegeofizika"
Locations: Russia / Izhevsk
Main Products/Services: Geophysical and geological and technological research of wells, shooting and blasting operations in wells
Registration: Russia / Izhevsk
Year Established: 1945