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LLC "Udmurtneftegeofizika"

Locations: Russia / Izhevsk
Registration: Russia / Izhevsk
Year Established: 1945
Main Products/Services: Geophysical and geological and technological research of wells, shooting and blasting operations in wells

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Udmurtneftegeofizika provides oil and gas companies with high-quality solutions in the field of obtaining geological data from field studies and seismic exploration, as well as their further processing and interpretation.

The provision of integrated services and the use of the latest technology, as well as a flexible approach to project management and ongoing research and development, help the Udmurtneftegeofizika enterprise achieve its goal.


Udmurtneftegeofizika LLC provides a full range of geophysical services for the search, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields.

The company's activities cover almost the entire space of the Russian Federation. Udmurtneftegeofizika successfully operates in Eastern and Western Siberia, the Komi Republic, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Volga-Ural region, Perm Territory, Samara and Orenburg Regions, and other regions. Many years of experience, serious recommendations, competent staff and modern technologies allow the company to be competitive not only in the market of geophysical services in Russia.