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Filtering in the list of content

To find a product in a category more accurately, you can use a clarifying filter that is built into each page of the rubricator. It is at the top of the list of products. For example, you might want to find products in the "Drilling Rigs Equipment" section that contain the word "generator". You enter this word in the filter bar and click "Apply":

Search in the category - button Search (mob.version)Search in the category - button Search


As a result, you will get a list of products in this category only with the keyword "separator". To return to the full list of products, click the "Reset" button":

Filtered list of search in the category (mob.version)Filtered list of search in the category (mob.version)


Alternatively, you can filter the content of the rubricator by product type. For example, in the "Drilling Rigs Equipment" section, you only want to select the "Services" type. Click on the "Services" tab at the top of the rubricator page:

Section filtering tab (mob. version)Section filtering tab


As a result, you will only see the selected product type. To cancel filtering, click on the "All" tab:

Section filtering by tab result (mobile version)Section filtering by tab result


There is nothing to prevent you from doing two types of filtering at the same time: select offers by product type and by incoming words:

Section filtering by word and tab result (mob. version)Section filtering by word and tab result