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Changsha Friend Experimental Analysis Instrument Co.,Ltd

Страна: Китай
Количество сотрудников: 50
Год основания: 2010
Основные продукты/сервисы: Petroleum testing eqipment

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Changsha Friend Experimental Analysis Instrument Co., Ltd is a leading brand of petroleum product analysis apparatus field at china. As a professional manufacturers of petroleum testing equipment, we are an active member in standards organizations and lead standard development to guarantee that the methods meet customer requirements of precision and ease of use. which is why friend Instrument Company is a leading producer and supplier of petroleum and petrochemical instrumentation in China.

Formerly the company was called Changsha Friend Experimental Analysis Instrument factory,With the sound professional experiences for tens of years, the company has been increasing the investment into the product R&D, quality assurance and service system construction continuously so as to improve the technology content and service level of products. At present the company employs tens of technical patents and software copyrights, various products of it are awarded with the national and local Importance New Product prizes and the company has been elected as High-tech Enterprise for many successive years.
This company was certified with ISO9001:2008 Quality System, It covers 10 series of products of fuel oil and lubricating grease, etc. and more than 100 specifications and varieties in compliance with the standards of ISO, ASTM, IP, GB and SH, etc., and the products are widely applied in such industries and trades likebiofuels, petrochemical, environmental, quality control, and manufacturing industries petrochemical complex, measurement, metallurgy, mechanicals, communications, armies, schools, aviation and foods, etc. and are well sold to the international markets of middle East, Southeast Asia and Russia, etc.