
LLC "Bentonite Company"

国家: Russia
员工总数: 36
注册: Russia Moscow
成立年: 1999
主要产品/服务: Concrete Raw Material

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Bentonit Company LLC is a managing organization of a group of companies whose enterprises produce and process bentonite clay, as well as sell products derived from it.

Our mission

By developing innovative, environmentally friendly, world-class products based on bentonite, we reduce the negative impact on the environment, improve the well-being of people, help the economic development of industrial enterprises, as well as cities and regions of Russia.

Our strategic goal is to achieve and maintain leadership positions in the industry in all areas of activity by increasing operational and production efficiency, introducing developments from research and development into production, and building a self-developing organization.

To fulfill the Mission and solve strategic tasks, we rely on our corporate values:

  • Justice and objectivity in the assessment of labor. We are constantly improving the system of material motivation of staff. We provide opportunities for realizing the professional and creative potential of each employee, we welcome the initiative, rationalization proposals and new ideas;
  • Honesty of staff before the enterprise. Each employee is part of the enterprise and is responsible for the safety of inventory and intellectual property. We are confident that, while achieving the goal of the enterprise, employees achieve their personal goals. We are honest with each other and with the enterprise;
  • Teamwork. We are a well-coordinated team, a single whole. Difficulties and emerging problems of the enterprise we solve together. Responsiveness to each other, selfless help and care are our main rules in communicating with each other.

We are confident that, following our beliefs and acting on the basis of our values system, the organization will achieve its goals, and our employees will be the foundation in a competitive advantage.