
PAO "Volgogradneftegeofizika"

地点: Russia, Volgograd
注册: Russia, Volgograd
成立年: 1949
主要产品/服务: MOGT 2D and 3D field seismic surveys, VSP borehole surveys and near-borehole studies according to NVP-VSP data using a three-component digital probe and a telemetry recording system

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The enterprise was established in December 1949 as the State Union Stalingrad Geophysical Office (GSSGK) with the aim of geophysical support for exploration in the oil and gas prospective Lower Volga region.

In December 1965 the enterprise was transformed into the State Geophysical Trust, in 1987. to the production association "Volgogradneftegeofizika", and in 1994. during the privatization process, it is transformed into the Volgogradneftegeofizika Joint-Stock Company.

Over the years of its existence, the enterprise has worked out over 200,000 linear meters. km of seismic profiles MOGT. Almost the entire territory of the Volgograd region was studied by electrical exploration methods.

According to seismic data, more than 350 structures were recommended for drilling and more than 50 hydrocarbon deposits were discovered with total reserves of over 85 million tons. c., including the largest in the Volgograd region Pamyatno-Sasovskoye oil field.

PUGR fishers are accomplices of all open hydrocarbon deposits on the Volgograd land and one of the largest deposits of the former USSR - Tengiz, where they were the main executors of field geophysical research.

The rich experience and professionalism of our field geophysicists, as well as unique equipment, made it possible to carry out a complex of geophysical studies in superdeep wells on the Guryevsky arch (1990, well No. 3 with a face of 6392 m) and within the Caspian Depression (1991. well No. 1-Akhtubinskaya with a face 7014m; Black Padina No. 1 with a slaughter of 5968m in 1998).

The long-term experience of VSP-NVP along with the most modern equipment and processing software allow us to achieve effective geological results that allow customers to save significant funds in further geological studies of their licensed territories.

In the framework of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 81 dated February 19, 2015 “On the development of the open joint-stock company“ Rosgeologiya ”, the shares of 15 geological enterprises were made as a contribution of the Russian Federation on 01.25.2016, including OJSC Volgogradneftegeofizika.

In 2019, the Volgogradneftegeofizika Joint-Stock Company was renamed the Volgogradneftegeofizika Public Joint-Stock Company in connection with the decision of the general meeting of shareholders to approve the new edition of the charter (Minutes No. 29 dated 06/26/2019), the charter edition was brought into compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation Federation "On Joint Stock Companies".