
ZAO "Poliinform"

地点: Russia, Saint-Petersburg
注册: Russia, Saint-Petersburg
成立年: 1989
主要产品/服务: Ensuring environmental and industrial safety

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POLYINFORM has been working in the field of industrial and environmental safety since 1989.

Over the years, the company has accumulated rich experience in land reclamation, the elimination of the consequences of accidental oil spills, the purification of surface and underground waters, and the diagnosis of oil and gas pipelines.

To date, POLYINFORM has cleaned over 350 hectares of contaminated soils, 280,000 m 3 of oil sludge, water bodies with an area of 95,000 m 2 , examined more than 2,000 km of main and field pipelines in 17 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

All work is carried out using our own innovative technologies and in strict accordance with the requirements of Rostekhnadzor and environmental standards. The completed projects also passed the State Ecological Expertise of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and its regional committees.

The main value of the company is experienced scientific and technical personnel, including 7 doctors and candidates of sciences, whose high technical level allows us to solve problems of any complexity. POLYINFORM has a modern scientific and technical base - chemical and microbiological laboratories, a non-destructive testing laboratory, an industrial line for the production of biological products, its own reclamation site, as well as a fully equipped technical park.

Among the clients of POLYINFORM are state organizations of the Russian Federation (EMERCOM, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Natural Resources) and the largest enterprises of Russia (OJSC Rosneft, OJSC Gazprom, OJSC Transneft, OJSC Lukoil, OJSC Russian Railways, RAO UES Russia ”) and other countries (“ Halliburton ”, USA,“ TOTAL FINA ELF ”, France, USAID, USA, Mahrukat, Syria,“ NKK Corporation ”, Japan,“ Kazmunaygaz ”, Kazakhstan, etc.).