Electric Logging tool EK-76
Device code for the order: BKZ + BK-3-T-76-T max / P max Designed to measure the apparent electrical resistivity (ρ to ) of rocks traversed by a well using standard logging (KS), side logging (BKZ) and three-electrode side logging (BK-3), electrical resistivity (ρ s ) of the flushing fluid ( resistivimeter), spontaneous polarization potential (PS), spontaneous polarization potential gradient (ΔPS). It is used in the open hole of oil and gas wells filled with aqueous flushing fluid. Tasks to be solved :
LLC "Neftegazgeofizika"
地点: Moscow / Tver
主要产品/服务: Development and production of equipment and technologies for geophysical research and control of oil and gas wells. Geophysical and geotechnological studies of drilled and existing wells