Product / Equipment

Tension Concentration Meter IKN-6M-8

型号编号: ИКН-6М-8
状态: New
位置或存放国家: Russia
服务工程支持: Yes
保证: No
价钱: 要求价格
IKN is a system for measuring, recording and processing diagnostic data on the stress-strain state of equipment and structures using the metal magnetic memory method.

Certificate of Rosstandart RU.C.34.003.A No. 42683.

IKN devices are commercially available. By the principle of operation, they are specialized multichannel flux-gate magnetometers. The magnetic field strength Нр on the instrument scales is calibrated in A / m (Ampere / meter). The length of the recorded sensor movement is calibrated in mm (millimeters).

IKN devices are unique measuring instruments and have a number of significant differences from magnetic field meters (magnetometers) based on flux-gate transducers produced in Russia and abroad. Their uniqueness lies both in their functional purpose (determination of stress concentration zones - the main sources of equipment damage development), and in specific design features that noticeably distinguish them from well-known magnetometers.

Distinctive features of IKN devices:

  • multichannel (at the same time, the field H p is measured on several channels);
  • the presence of specialized scanning devices for monitoring various equipment (18 types), allowing at a speed of up to 0.5 m / s to take readings of the field strength and length of the test object (all scanning devices are protected by Russian and international patents);
  • the possibility of automatic processing of control results directly at the facility (using the software installed on the device);
  • the presence of non-volatile memory (flash-memory) for recording control results at the facility and the ability to transfer data to a computer;
  • the ability to record control parameters with a given frequency per unit of time ("timer" mode), which allows control when moving products relative to sensors (control of rotating elements, moving cables and ropes, rail monitoring when moving a flaw detector, etc.);
  • availability in the delivery package of software "MMP-System 3.0", designed for in-depth processing of control results on a computer running Windows XP / Vista / 7/8/10.

Appointment IKN-6M-8

IKN-6M-8 is a simplified version of IKN-3M-12 and IKN-2M-8 devices. Performing the functions of the previous model IKN-1M-4, the device has a color LED screen, convenient for working on objects located on the street. A small size allows you to use the device when performing monitoring in difficult conditions, for example, at high-altitude work.

IKN-6M-8 has the following structural and functional differences from other devices such as IKN:

  • from 2 to 8 flux-gate transducers;
  • microprocessor 16 bit;
  • RAM capacity 1 Mb;
  • 8 MB flash-memory block for recording control results at the facility for 8 days without resetting information to a computer;
  • special keyboard with 15 function buttons;
  • color LED screen (OLED-display) with a resolution of 320x240 pixels, characterized by high contrast and brightness, not requiring additional illumination and at the same time more economical, therefore readable under almost any conditions, which is very convenient when working on objects located on the street;
  • overall dimensions 110x65x23 mm;
  • weight with batteries 0.6 kg;
  • powered by three DC 3.6V batteries.

General technical characteristics of IKN devices:

The range of measurement of the value of N p ± 2000 A / m
The main relative error of the measured magnetic field for each channel, no more 5%
Relative error of the measured length, no more 5%
Minimum / maximum scanning step (distance between two adjacent field and length measurement points) 1/128 mm
Operating temperature range -15 ° С ... + 55 ° С
Relative humidity range 45% - 85%

Comparative characteristics of devices of type IKN:

The number of measurement channels N p 2 - 8
Scan speed at 1 mm pitch 0.5 m / s
Microprocessor 16 bit
RAM 1 Mb
Flash memory 8 Mb
Transferring data to a computer USB
Keyboard 15 buttons
Screen OLED, 320x240 pixels
dimensions 110x65x23 mm
Weight with batteries 0.6 kg
Power consumption 1.2-3.0 watts
Battery powered 3 pcs. AA
Powered by AC adapter -

LLC "Energy Diagnostics"

主要产品/服务: Non-destructive testing methods and instruments based on the use of metal magnetic memory
注册: Russia / Reutov
成立年: 1992