
SEARCH AND Exploration OF Bishophite AND OTHER Mineral SALTS

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Based on many years of research, VNG PJSC has gained considerable experience in the search and exploration of potassium-magnesium salts.

Based on special studies, the bedding conditions and areas of distribution of bischofite-containing formations were determined. Magnesium mineralization in the saline section is manifested in the form of one or several productive levels, which, according to the conditions of occurrence, occur in two forms: in the form of formations stretching along both banks of the Volga river for 400 km along the side zone (Volga monocline), and in the form of lenses in arches of salt domes in the interior of the Caspian basin.

To identify the deposits, it is recommended that a rational complex of field and geophysical data and seismic exploration, special approved processing techniques and geological modeling is recommended.

PAO "Volgogradneftegeofizika"

地点: Russia, Volgograd
主要产品/服务: MOGT 2D and 3D field seismic surveys, VSP borehole surveys and near-borehole studies according to NVP-VSP data using a three-component digital probe and a telemetry recording system
注册: Russia, Volgograd
成立年: 1949